19 Tests By Melina Hess

  CRO Manager @ DRIP Agency     Website


Test #556 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Oct 08, 2024 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #65: Add More For Free Shipping In Test #556 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, free shipping was a/b tested against free shipping with a 30€ purchase or higher. Hence, in the variation, customers needed to reach a cart amount total in order to be eligible for the free shipping. 

Test #548 on Livefresh.de by Melina Hess   Aug 13, 2024 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #17: Least Or Most Expensive First In Test #548 On Livefresh.de

In this product landing page experiment, the plan sort order was rearranged. In the control it was sorted from least expensive to most expensive. In the variation, the plans were shown as most expensive first. Impact on sales and revenue was measured.

Test #539 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Jun 24, 2024 Desktop

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #79: Single Or Multiple Triggers In Test #539 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, two different navigation defaults were tested against each other. In one version we can see 1) more popular products with 2) more categorical granularity being shown in the expanded state. In the other version we see "new products" being shown as the default (with a lot fewer product subcategories) to choose from.

Test #512 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Jan 17, 2024 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #65: Add More For Free Shipping In Test #512 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, free shipping was a/b tested against free shipping with a 40€ purchase or higher. Hence, in the variation, customers needed to reach a cart amount total in order to be eligible for the free shipping. 

Test #484 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Jul 21, 2023 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #80: Persistent Filters In Test #484 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, the variation remembered and prefilled user's size choices for the duration of the session. The control version always started with a fixed product size value (ex: XS). The variation prefilled them between products or screen refreshes. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #477 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Jun 09, 2023 Mobile Desktop

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #95: Clickable Product Previews In Test #477 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, product color swatches were replaced with real product photos. Whereas the control showed the colors as more abstract circles. Impact on sales was measured.

Test #465 on by Melina Hess   Apr 22, 2023 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #465

In this product detail page experiment, a number of reassurances were brought out visually in a lined or bulleted way. The 4 reassurances included: free shipping and returns; Made in Germany, 90 Day Returns; and Buy With Invoice (popular in Germany). Impact on revenue per user was measured. The control contained very feint copy (smaller and more subtle) about free shipping.

Test #461 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Mar 23, 2023 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #15: Bulleted Reassurances In Test #461 On Snocks.com

In this product detail page experiment, reassurances under the add-to-cart button were rearranged. The control contained copy about: free shipping and free returns formatted as two gray boxes, with a variety of payment methods and their corresponding logos underneath.

The variation used a more convention bulleted, line-by-line format. It also contained free shipping and returns, but also elaborated with "100 day returns", an "anti-hole guarantee", and "purchase with invoice" (perhaps more popular in Germany?). Impact on sales was measured.

Test #459 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Feb 28, 2023 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #36: Fewer Or More Results In Test #459 On Snocks.com

In this listing page experiment, color sets of the same product were tested against individual products with unique colors (with additional product tiles). Essentially, the A version here contained fewer product items (with color sets), while the B version contained more results and tiles (with grouped products). Impact on total sales was measured.

(The original control and variation was inverted, but was flipped to match the fewer or more results pattern).

Test #449 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Dec 31, 2022 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #78: Tags, Badges And Structured Information In Test #449 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, bestselling product colors were highlighted with a bestseller badge on product listing and product detail pages.

Test #444 on by Melina Hess   Nov 30, 2022 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #444

In this experiment, a floating add-to-cart with two product choices (color and size) were added on a product page. This appeared only after scrolling past the existing / embedded product selection buy box.

The floating add-to-cart widget had another layer of complexity in that it allowed customers to make a size and color selection with an expandable fly out. Making a selection would also append the total price to the add-to-cart button label.

Impact on total transactions was measured.

Test #441 on by Melina Hess   Nov 23, 2022 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #41: Sticky Call To Action In Test #441

In this experiment, a floating sticky bar was added on product pages. The sticky elements only appeared after users scrolled beyond the fixed buy box  area that is relatively high on the page (visible on the control screenshot). The sticky bar contained three elements: a button to configure up to three product choices, a flavor selection pulldown, and the add-to-cart button. 

In the variation, when users clicked on the flavor pulldown three things happened. First, they were anchored back to the top of the buy box. Second, the floating sticky disappeared. And third, the flavors pulldown automatically expanded (overlapping the original primary add-to-cart button).

The control did not have any of the sticky behaviors.

Impact to total sales was measured.

Test #432 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Sep 29, 2022 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #94: Visible Search In Test #432 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, search functionality was added in the variation, globally on mobile. Impact on sales was measured

Test #429 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Aug 16, 2022 Mobile Desktop

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #429 On Snocks.com

Upon clicking the Add-To-Cart button, the button label changed to a cheering message which congratulated the user on his choice and ensuring that shipping is free. Translation: "Good choice. Your shipping and returns are free."

Test #407 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Apr 22, 2022 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #125: Unit Prices In Test #407 On Snocks.com

Here is an experiment with an added "price per pair" in the context of products with multiple items (packs).A high contrast badge-like copy was appended underneath the price which translates to "only $X per item". Impact on sales was measured.

Test #402 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Mar 25, 2022 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #103: Money Back Guarantee In Test #402 On Snocks.com

In this experiment on a product screen, a message about quality (from the founders) was reformatted to reinforce the "Anti Hole Guarantee" (in the context of socks). The founders were also made more prominent and their signature added as well. Interestingly, the actual guarantee copy (and its important detail about a 6 month product replacement) was present further down on both the control and variation.

The translation of the new copy (Google Translate) reads:

Since we founded SNOCKS, the quality and comfort of our products have always been our top priority. Why? When we both were still studying, we didn't have the money to buy new socks & underpants every 1-2 months. That's why it was clear to us from the start that we wanted to sell quality products that are also extremely comfortable. And just in case something goes wrong, we have decided to introduce an anti-hole guarantee.

Test #397 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Feb 24, 2022 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #121: Free Shipping In Test #397 On Snocks.com

In this experiment a "Free Shipping & Returns" message was added just below the price information. 

Test #393 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Jan 19, 2022 Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #1: Remove Coupon Fields In Test #393 On Snocks.com

This experiment replaced a visible coupon field with a dynamic text link that would initially hide the form field. Only after clicking the text link would the coupon form field appear. The translation from German is "Do you have a coupon code? Click here to apply". Impact on completed transactions was measured.

Test #390 on Snocks.com by Melina Hess   Dec 21, 2021 Desktop Mobile

Melina Hess Tested Pattern #106: Back Buttons In Test #390 On Snocks.com

In this experiment, the variation has a "Back To Shopping Cart" link right underneath the checkout button. Impact on sales was measured.